Important Information

1. The venue for registration is Ramada Plaza By Wyndham Xian South (No.1958, The 5th YanNan Road, Qujiang New District Xi’an, Shaanxi, China)

2. The venue for the congress is Xi’an Qujiang Convention & Exhibition Center (the opposite to Ramada Plaza By Wyndham Xian South, 100 m away)

General Program

DateTechnical Program
22 October 2024Registration
ICC General Assembly Part I
(No.1958, The 5th YanNan Road, Qujiang New District Xi’an, Shaanxi, China)
(Ramada Plaza By Wyndham Xian South)
23 October 2024Opening Ceremony
Plenary Lectures
Exhibition Show
24 October 2024Technical Session Meetings
Poster Show
Exhibition Show
ICC General Assembly Part II
25 October 2024Technical Session Meetings
Poster Show
Exhibition Show
26 October 2024The End

ICC General Assembly Meetings

Venue: Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Xi’an South

ICC General Assembly Part I2024.10.22   14:00-17:00The 2nd Yangtze River Room
ICC General Assembly Part II2024.10.24   14:00-17:00The 2nd Yangtze River Room

Technical Session Meetings

Venue: Xi’an Qujiang Convention & Exhibition Center

SessionTimeRoomSession Meetings Agenda
Corrosion of Stainless Steels2024.10.24   303click
Atmospheric Corrosion2024.10.25   Morning303click
Corrosion of Biomaterials2024.10.24   306click
Corrosion of Archaeological and Historical Artifacts2024.10.24   308click
Surface Treatment and Inorganic Coatings2024.10.24   311click
Nuclear Corrosion2024.10.24   313click
Corrosion Monitoring2024.10.24   Morning205-206click
Tribocorrosion2024.10.24   Morning208-209click
Marine Biofouling and Protection Technologies2024.10.24   312click
Intelligent Corrosion Control2024.10.24   Morning305click
Corrosion and Scale Inhibitors2024.10.24 Afternoon
Marine Corrosion and Protection2024.10.24   Afternoon
Cathodic Protection2024.10.24  
2024.10.25   Morning
Functional Coatings2024.10.24   Afternoon205-206click
Corrosion of Additive Manufactured Metals & Corrosion Modeling2024.10.24  Morning304click
Corrosion and Protection of Oil & Gas and New Energy Materials2024.10.24  
2024.10.25  Morning
Presidium Conference Roomclick
Metallic Coatings2024.10.25  Morning306click
High-temperature Resistant Materials and Coatings2024.10.25   308click
Corrosion of Light Alloys & Nonferrous Metal2024.10.25   311click
Mechanically Assisted Cracking2024.10.25   313click
Electrochemistry2024.10.24   405click
Microbiological Corrosion2024.10.25   205-206click
Innovation Express Seminar2024.10.25   307click